All queens must be healthy for two weeks up to and including the date that they are brought to stud – they must not be coughing or sneezing, must not have sticky/runny/sore/red eyes, vomitting or have diarreah. Any queen displaying these symptoms will be isolated and their owner will be responsible for her collection within 24 hours of being notified. Please bring a supply of your queen’s usual food to prevent stomach issues related to a change of diet.
Queens must be registered active, or her paperwork clear from the endorsement not for breeding, with GCCF, TICA or FIFE.
Before accepting the queen, I must physically see her original registration certificate, her pedigree and an up to date vaccination certificate. A copy will be taken of these documents for my records. All documentation must show the owner details as advised to me and the mating certificate that I provide will show these details. A recent negative FIV/FeLV test result must also be provided. The registered owner of the queen must provide their home address and telephone details, plus an email address if possible.
Stud fee is payable, in cash only please, upon arrival of the queen. The queen may visit for up to 7 days. Please ensure the girl is in FULL CALL on arrival as the stud fee is strictly non-refundable. Should the queen not become pregnant, then a repeat mating of up to 10 days is permitted within a defined timescale (again the queen must be in good health and have not visited any other males between matings). In the event that only one live kitten is born, a 50% refund of the stud fee will be given. Only proven boys will be available to visiting queens.
The boys require at least a two week interval between matings, so please let me know prior to her call if you would like your queen to visit. I cannot guarantee that the boy will be available when your queen calls, but I will do my best to accomodate urgent requests. Stud visits cannot be booked and will be arranged on a first come first served basis when the queen is on call. Ideally she should be brought to stud on the second day of full call. Please clip the queens claws before bringing her.
I reserve the right to refuse to accept any queen to stud at any time without giving a reason. The health and happiness of my boys is my concern, first and foremost. I will not allow any queen to visit if I have concerns about the boys health or happiness, or should I not be confident that the timing will allow me to provide the care and attention that a visiting queen allows. Queens will not be accepted if I am likely to be away from home for any reason.
I am not a boarding cattery and do not have insurance to cover queens whilst on my premises. All sensible precautions will be taken, but I can not be held responsible for any loss or accident that occurs to a queen that occurs on my premises. Or for any criminal activity that occurs. Please inspect the queens quarters and ensure you are satified before leaving her. In the unlikely event that a queen requires veterinary attention whilst on my premises this will be the responsibility of the owner of the queen and must be paid upon collection. Unless urgent medical attention is required, the owner will be informed and given the opportunity to remove the queen and have her attended by their own vet.
Should a queen not be collected then all sources of contact will be tried over a period of 2 weeks. In the (unlikely) event that a queen is not collected within 4 weeks of arrival, despite all attempts to contact her owners, then she will be handed over to The Snowshoe Cat Society to be rehomed. Any resulting kittens will also be rehomed.
No stud fee will be accepted until the owner has seen and is satisfied with the stud to be used and the conditions that the queen will be kept in. These terms and conditions will be signed by both parties and a copy retained by each, once the stud fee is accepted. When the queen is collected I will provide a signed mating certificate to the owner (or their delegate).
The only restriction that I place on the majority of matings, is that no kittens are to be sold on the active register. So you may keep girls on active for your own use. Please discuss with me first if you intend keeping a boy on the active register, or if you intend to register kittens on active that will later be homed with another person prior to neutering. For clarity, there are no restrictions on the offspring of any active kittens retained by the queen’s owner from the mating.