Champion Sapphirestar Rhapsody-In-Blue – Blue point preferred pattern Snowshoe girl
Sadie is a very pretty little girl, true to type and size and with the outgoing Snowshoe personality. She is a busy girl like her Mum Nova and is very people centred like her Dad, Grand-Champion Sapphirestar King-Of-Diamonds. Born Spring 2022 she is staying to carry on Mum and Dad’s lines. Sadie is fantastic type and has super eye colour and coat texture.
PKD and PRA normal and DNA tested clear for 50 diseases. Sadie is a Champion Snowshoe and has been shown with both TICA and GCCF. Sadie is the most wonderful Mum, raising 6 huge kittens in her first litter.
Mother to Vegas and Zero

Admoobr MagicMillie – blue-cream tortie British Shorthair girl
Scarla – A very pretty and typically naughty-tortie Scarla came to us after having one litter with another breeder. She is a super confident and cuddly little lady with strong opinions about which side of the door she should be on! Blood group B and tested negative for PKD.
Born December 2022
Tested clear for all 49 health tests including PKD and ALPS
Kittens born November 2024

Adiktiv Rhian – blue bi-colour British Shorthair girl
Gracie is as Gracie does! A typical BSH sass pot. Gracie does what Gracie wants and Gracie likes people not Snowshoes at the moment. So Gracie chooses who her friends are and who are we to argue! A stunning girl who will hopefully mix with our other cats eventually!
Gracie is developing super BSH type with her stunning eye colour, dense coat, tiny ears and and cobby face, whilst maintaining a healthy eye set, nose leather and airway. She is DNA tested clear for PKD, ALPs and 39 other conditions – blood group B.
Born March 2023

Champion Sapphirestar Wallaby – Seal point mitted Snowshoe girl
Bee is a very sweet girl. Nice and easy going without too much drama. She has great type, super eye colour and a coat to adore. Bea is a cheerful little person, taking after her wonderful parents Saffron and Olaf. She takes everything in her stride, wooing the crowds on Meet the Cats at the Supreme Cat Show, winning her first Champion Certificate at just 9 months old and making Champion at 10 months old.
Kittens born August 2024. Mother of Dream

Champion Sapphirestar X-Factor – Chocolate point mitted Snowshoe girl
Cheryl is a lovely kitten with a quick mind, she was the ring leader of her litter and her found her voice very early, so will likely be a talker. Cheryl is a big kitten, she is 1st generation Snowshoe as her Mum is the lovely Siamese Mimi, though she is much more like her Snowshoe Dad, Grand Champion Sapphirestar Nemo. Born on the same day as Fluff 30/08/2023.

Sapphirestar You’re The One – Chocolate tabby point preferred pattern Snowshoe girl
A long period of hand feeding has meant that this little girl is going nowhere. She has made such a close bond that she will be staying here and running the house in no time I am sure!
3rd generation Snowshoe Fluff was what she was called from a tiny kitten when she was little more than a white ball of fluff. She is now a lovely big kitten with an appetite to match and the most outgoing, confident temperament you could ask for. Fluff is a credit to her Mum Tabitha and Dad Grand-Champion Nemo. Born on the same day as Cheryl 30/08/2023

Sapphirestar Bambi – Seal point Snowshoe girl
Bambi is Winnie and Zeberdee’s beautiful 3rd generation Snowshoe – A pretty girl with super pattern and very typy coat. Bambi is a confident, outgoing kitten, and quite independent, not needing humans for much at the moment. Bambi is hopefully staying here to be shown and carry on Zeberdee’s lines here. Can be shown in Snowshoe breed classes.
Born April 2024

Sapphirestar Daydream -Lilac point preferred pattern Snowshoe
Daydream is a very pretty girl and looks to have a perfect show pattern. She is a quiet little one at the moment, taking her confidence from her Mum at the moment. Half sister of Bambi and daughter of Bea and Zebedee.