Retired Cats

Sapphirestar Miss Monroe


Champion Sapphirestar Satine – Seal point preferred pattern Snowshoe girl

Satine is a nice big girl, very pretty and looks like she will have a look of her Triple Grand Champion Dad Envy with his blue eyes and a decent depth of coat. Satine is a chilled out little lady and is very independent. She had a great day out with Tabitha on the Snowshoe Cat Society stand the Supreme Cat Show meet the cats, October 2022. Satine quickly earned her Champion title and was Best in Show adult at the Snowshoe show 2023.
Kittens born April 2024

Photo credit – Clive Gidney

Photo credit – Clive Gidney

Destrier Zeberdee of Polarpaws

Seal point preferred pattern boy

Zebedee is a lovely big 2nd generation Snowshoe boy from Siamese lines. Zebedee is an experienced stud boy who has come to bring his heritage lines to our cattery. It is lovely to see some of the older lines again in his pedigree, along with some super Siamese outcross cats. Zebedee is a big chunky boy with a fab Snowshoe coat and a real soppy soul.
PRA/PKD negative – DNA tested clear 49 diseases

Neutered June 2024 Dad to Bambi and Paris. Kittens born August 2024

Zebedee on right, Winnie left


Manchado Sapphirestar – Chocolate point Siamese girl

Mimi is a very outgoing girl, the definition of a velcro cat! She is so pretty and a good size for a a Siamese. As she is an old style Siamese – traditional type – she has brought new lines and genetic diversity to the Snowshoe gene pool.
PRA normal.
Mother to Cheryl and Paris
Spayed August 2024

Mimi top, Sadie bottom


Champion Sapphirestar Hocus-Pocus – Seal point preferred pattern girl 

Winne is a livewire and a cat with a solution to every problem. She is a very clever girl and a sweet, cuddly kitten. Winnie is a lovely mix of USA, Italian and new and old UK lines. Mum is the beautiful Wednesday and Dad is my gorgeous Triple Champion and Regional Winner Mateo.  Winnie carries chocolate so is staying here to bring chocolate to a new generation. Best of Breed Snowshoe kitten at the GCCF celebration show August 2021. Quite enjoys being shown and made Champion at the Snowshoe show in July 2023.
PKD and PRA normal by heritage.
Mother to Champion Benjie. Kittens born April 2024

Bengie – Seal point preferred pattern boy

Winnie’s son Bengie is a very pretty boy of good show pattern who always has a smile on his face. He is a sweet, undemanding kitten who is very chilled and happy to go along with whatever anyone else is doing. 2nd generation (from BSH lines) Bengie is staying here to be shown and to take over stud duties from his Dad Sapphirestar Quasar. Bengie won Best in Show kitten at the Snowshoe Cat Society Show 2023 and made Champion in May 2024.
PRA/PKD normal. Born March 2023. Neutered May 2024 – Dad to Zero

Photo credit to Clive Gidney


Sapphirestar Tabitha – chocolate point preferred pattern Snowshoe girl

Chocolate tabby point preferred pattern girl. Tabitha is a nice big girl and will be staying here to carry on her Mum Dotty’s outcross lines. Tabitha has the soppy, clownlike, character of her Grand-Champion father Spencer-Simon as well as the independence of her BSH Grandma Coco. Tabitha is staying here to carry on the chocolate and tabby lines – as well as carrying the dilute of Dad through to future generations of Snowshoes. Tabitha was an absolute star at the Supreme Cat Show October 2022, where she represented the Snowshoe breed with Satine on the Meet the Cats stand. No need for harnesses with those two. So many members of the public asked if they were real cats! Tabby was a wonderful mother to her one litter of kittens but is now retired and adored as a pet. She is an absolute treasure.
Mother to Fluff – spayed December 2023

Grand Champion Sapphirestar Nemo

Cinnamon point preferred pattern boy

A laid back boy who loves to roll on his back for a tummy rub. Nemo is of super type and such a pretty boy. He is 5th generation Snowshoe with two titled parents both of whom are intelligent, super cuddly and outgoing.
Staying here to be shown and be a stud boy for the future. His triple Grand Champion Dad loved to be shown and Nemo is doing very well too, making Champion in his first 3 adult shows and to Grand Champion in 3 straight shows too. Mum Seren is clever and undemonstrative with a serene calmness that makes her a joy to live with. Nemo was awarded his first cc at the Coventry and Leicester show a day after his first birthday, made up to Grand Champion by August 2023.

PKD/PRA normal. Born February 2022, now neutered and rehomed

Sapphirestar Quasar

Chocolate point preferred pattern boy

Quasar is a lovely big chunky 1st generation Snowshoe. If boys were allowed to be “pretty” then pretty he would be. His Mum is the lovely BSH Coco and Dad is Jenga, who is a very good example of a Snowshoe.
Quasar is a clever boy, he likes his dinners and is a sweet character. He does have a strong voice and likes to shout if he thinks you are not listening to him though!

First litter of beautiful seal point show pattern kittens born March 2023. Father to Bengie

PKD/PRA normal. Born April 2022. Now neutered and rehomed.


Sapphirestar Yippee – Seal classic pattern Snowshoe girl

Saffron is fiesty girl, she is very playful, busy and independent. She has a white dot on her face, lovely mittens and a coat to die for. 1st in her first show and she really enjoyed the cuddles with the Judges. Saffron is a full register (CS) Snowshoe meaning that she has a highly desirable pedigree and with only 5% inbreeding and a Champion USA import father she is a valuable addition to the Snowshoe lines.
PKD and PRA normal. Mother to Satine and Bea

Grand-Champion Sapphirestar King of Diamonds

Blue point Bi-colour Snowshoe

Spencer-Simon is huge for his age and is a really super type Snowshoe. Very like his Dad but in blue, I am hoping that he will be a hit on the show bench once he grows into his ears. Spencer-Simon has already won over the film crew who filmed him for an overseas pet food advert. His outgoing personality and constant playfulness made him the perfect choice for a cat to be cast by experienced animal handlers for a TV advert in a very stylish London shoot location. He really is a complete clown and is into everything with everyone.

PKD & PRA normal. Carries cinnamon. Father of Sadie.

Born April 2021 – Neutered Dec 2022


Sapphirestar Fancy – Lilac point mitted girl 

Fancy is a very pretty girl who is a very busy cat and is into everything. She is staying here to carry on the mix of heritage UK and USA lines. Mum is the lovely Melody and Dad is my lilac tabby Champion Snowshoe boy Buzz.  Fancy carries chocolate and her coat is a lovely clear colour. Her genes, as well as her diverse heritage/outcross/import pedigree made her invaluable to the Snowshoe lines.
PKD and PRA normal by heritage. Mum to Olaf. Spayed January 2023.

Grand Champion Sapphirestar Envy TGCA

Seal point preferred pattern 
Envy is a big and very confident boy with a fab outgoing personality. He is very clever and has been used to getting his own way as the oldest kitten in the house. He is very playful but also super cuddly. Envy is a big boy and has the most amazing eye colour, he had a good day at his first TICA show being placed in two finals. Envy won Overall Best in Show at the Snowshoe Cat Society’s show in January 2022 – a red card day that made him a Champion and a very exciting day for us all. He was also Best in Show Foreign section at the Shropshire Show Feb 2022 and Best of Variety at the CamCats show in March 2022. He was made up to Grand Champion in 3 straight shows. Once neutered Envy went to a TICA show in December 2022 and finaled in 6 out of the 7 rings, becoming a Triple Grand Champion with TICA.
Envy has been used as the face of Perfect Fit cat food brand!
Only 5% inbreeding, 5th generation and carries cinnamon. Envy’s Mum is Astrid who has a super European pedigree and his Dad is my soppy homebred boy Dexter.  PKD & PRA normal. 
Born August 2020 – Father of Nemo, Olaf and Satine.

Neutered May 2022.


Sapphirestar Milky-Way – Chocolate tabby bi-colour girl 

Dotty is a charming and very striking looking cat, she is a gentle character and loves to play. Mum is Coco and Dad is my sweetheart Buzz.  Dotty is chocolate tabby so is a striking unusual girl, she can’t be shown due to her lack of the colourpoint gene, but I love her golden eyes and wouldn’t change her for the world.
PKD and PRA normal by heritage. Mother of Tabitha

Premier Sapphirestar Jenga

Seal point preferred pattern Snowshoe
Jenga is a sweet boy of very good type with fantastic deep blue eye colour. He is a laid back boy who likes a cuddle when he knows you, but he is not keen on strangers – not unusual in a pandemic kitten. 
Jenga is 5th generation Snowshoe with low inbreeding, from Italian and outcross lines. Jenga’s Dad Mateo won Best in Show kitten at the Snowshoe show 2020. I highly rate Jenga as a Snowshoe of excellent type. I believe him to be one of the closest to the standard Snowshoes I have bred. Carries chocolate, PKD & PRA normal. Jenga was well liked at the GCCF Celebration show August 2021 and has been made up to Premier since being neutered. Many thanks to his Judges.
Born March 2021 – Father of Quasar.
Neutered July 2022


Champion Sapphirestar Nova Scotia – Seal tabby point mitted girl

Nova is a very pretty seal tabby with perfect white mittens. Nova is big and bouncy with an intelligent look to her and the deepest blue eyes. 
Her Mum Cameo is an Imperial Grand Premier and Dad Hercules is a Grand Champion. Nova had a red card day at her first show at just 3 months old in the pedigree pet section. Nova was shown in pedigree classes in 2022, she was made up to Champion, but was not very impressed with the whole showing game. PKD and PRA negative. 3rd generation from BSH lines. Mother to Sadie. Spayed September 2022.


Haylana Choccywoccydoodah – Chocolate bi-colour British Shorthair girl

Coco is such a stunningly beautiful girl with her striking orange eyes. She has come to us from the Haylana cattery and we thank Nicola very much for her.  Coco is a lovely friendly, outgoing girl with a mind of her own. She has captivated us all since her arrival.
Coco carries colourpoint and cinnamon and has brought genetic diversity to my Snowshoe lines. She loves to be with people. Microchipped and vaccinated July 2022
Health tested – PKD normal. – Spayed July 2022

Mum to Dotty and Quasar


Champion Sapphirestar Serendipity – blue point preferred pattern girl

Seren is a lovely big girl, very pretty and a super patterned Snowshoe. Seren carries Cinnamon from her Mum Rio. Her Dad is the fantastic Champion Southpole Jack Daniels who came to me from the USA. Seren won first and BOB at her first show. She was awarded a challenge certificate at the Supreme Cat show 2019.  Seren is now a Champion herself and is the mother of Double TICA Grand Champion Sapphirestar Arabella.
Seren is a clever girl. undemonstrative and a very easy cat to live with, though she is chatty. She has been an absolutely super Mum to her kittens. Seren has been spayed May 2022.
Fully health tested – PKD and PRA negative.

Mum to Spencer-Simon and Nemo. Spayed July 2022.


1CC Haylana Wednesday – Seal preferred pattern girl

The gorgeous Wednesday is a super show pattern girl she has heritage lines, such as Southpole, Bitzaglitz and Coldenufforsnow. Her Mum was born here and her Dad is the fabulous Southpole Jack Daniels. A cheerful, busy girl like her Mum, she has fitted in very well.  
PRA/PKD negative. Wednesday went to her first show at nearly 3 years old, she had a great day, was awarded a CC, Best of Breed and was placed first in a class of 5 cats – a red card day!

Mother of Winnie.


Haylana Astrid Stormfly Gem – Seal bi-colour girl 

Thank you to Nicola for this gorgeous and super friendly girl. Astrid is such a  pretty seal bi-colour girl carrying dilute with super blue eye colour. She is 6th generation with low inbreeding from her import pedigree.   Astrid was a brilliant Mum to both her litters and loved to mother everyone. She is now retired to a lovely family pet home.
PKD and PRA normal

Mother of Envy

Champion Sapphirestar Buzz Lightyear

Lilac tabby point bi-colour
4th generation from outcross lines. 
A friendly, outgoing big boy who loves a cuddle. PKD & PRA normal. All Buzz’s kittens carry dilute and chocolate many are tabbies. Best of Breed adult Snowshoe at the GCCF celebration show August 2021.

Father of Fancy, Dotty and Leibling – plus kittens born November 2021
Born August ’2019, neutered November 2021 now happily rehomed.

Buzz and his daughter Dotty


Sapphirestar Utopia – Seal bi-colour girl

A very pretty seal bi-colour girl with super blue eyes. Pia is 4th generation and carries chocolate. Mum is May (Champion Icedmocha Princess) and Dad is the stunning Monty (Sapphirestar Maverick). Pia is a very confident outgoing girl, into everything, just as they should be and with a very loud voice!
PKD and PRA normal. Pia is now spayed and has been rehomed.

Mother of Jenga

Sapphirestar Xiao-Meow

Seal point preferred pattern Snowshoe

Mateo is a stunning preferred pattern boy. He is a genuine sweetheart with a super bond with his people and a clever mind. Mateo is a chatty boy and likes to be involved in everything. He is from Italian and outcross lines as his Mum is Demetra and his Dad the lovely big boy Adonis. Mateo won Best in Show kitten at the Snowshoe show 2020. PKD & PRA normal. Father of Jenga and Winnie. Now in USA and at least a champion after a very successful weekend showing with TICA.

Demetra Del Doge

Seal point preferred pattern Snowshoe

Demi is a stunning seal show pattern girl. She came to us from the Del Doge cattery in Italy.  Demi is of very good Snowshoe type and is a lovely confident girl. 
Demi is 6th generation Italian import and has been a super Mum to her kittens.
Many thanks to Alvise for letting her come to live here. Now retired and living in her new home.
PRA and PKD normal.
Mum to Mateo. Grandmother to Winnie and Jenga

Champion Southpole Jack Daniels

Seal preferred pattern Snowshoe
Jackie is the most stunning Snowshoe from the world renowned Southpole cattery. 
He is a gentle boy with a friendly character. He loves his cuddles and is a sweetheart, as well as of super type. 
Jackie was born in April 2011, he made Champion in Jan 2020.  
4th generation, he carries blue and is dual registered GCCF and TICA. PRA and PKD normal.

Now with another UK breeder.
Huge thanks to Dawn Minicozzi for enabling me to have Jackie. Father of Wednesday, Seren, Melody & Saffron, Grandfather of Fancy, Winnie, Spencer Simon and Leibling

Sapphirestar Vortex – Dexter

Seal colourpoint

Dexter is a pretty 4th generation boy, very playful and into everything. A busy boy with a happy outlook on life. Dexter has super blue eyes and carries cinnamon and dilute, so he is staying here. Dexter really enjoyed meeting the public at meet the cats at the Supreme cat show 2019. He likes his food so tends to look a bit chunky, but he is a super type. PKD & PRA normal. Now retired and rehomed.
Father of Envy

Sapphirestar Your Majesty – Melody

Seal point preffered pattern

Melody is a pretty girl with super type. Her one kitten has carried on the mix of heritage UK and USA lines. Mum is the lovely Icegems Ariel and Dad is Champion Southpole Jack Daniels.  Melody had a red card day at the Snowshoe Cat Society show 2020.
PKD and PRA normal. Now retired and living in her new home.
Mother of Fancy

Grand-Champion Sapphirestar Oberon

Seal point preferred pattern
Oberon is a stunning boy with a sweet, gentle personality. He is very playful and prefers people on a one to one basis. Oberon is 4th generation and of very good type. 1st and BOB at Supreme show 2018 & 2019. Best in show Adult at Snowshoe show 2020. Grand Champion before his 2nd birthday.
He has a super pattern and is big chunky boy as he does eat well. Mum May is a Champion Snowshoe, Dad is the very outgoing GMC Indy. PRA/PKD negative. Now neutered after 8 litters and living next door to us as a much loved pet. Grandfather of Spencer-Simon.


Icegems Ariel 
Seal preferred pattern girl

Ariel is a big girl with a bigger personality. She is a super seal point show pattern girl with fantastic blue eyes.  She is 3rd generation descended from a Siamese line and has a Grand Champion Snowshoe mother. 
Ariel has had one litter and is now retired and living with her breeder.
Mum to Melody and Saffron, Grandma to Fancy.


Sapphirestar Olympia 
Blue colourpoint point girl 
Rio is a very sweet little girl. She looks similar to an Old style Siamese, like her Mum Xena. Although she has no white markings, Rio has super blue eye colour and carries cinnamon. 
Rio is third generation Snowshoe, her Dad is the Champion Snowshoe Destrier Cairo. Rio is a super friendly lap cat. She is clever and very affectionate. 
PRA and PKD negative by DNA test & heritage. Now rehomed.
Mother of Seren and Buzz. Grandmother of Dexter, Mateo and Envy.